Welcome to Mentrum

Mentrum is a centre for adults in Amsterdam with a serious psychiatric disorder and/or addiction problems. We offer specialist intensive treatment, counselling and care.

For young people in Amsterdam suffering a first psychosis, Mentrum has what is known as a VIP team. VIP is a Dutch acronym for Early Psychosis Intervention (Vroege Interventie Psychose).

Arkin Ouderen (Elderly) offers a range of specialist treatments for elderly people with psychiatric problems.

Arkin Jeugd & Gezin (Youth & Family) offers a range of specialist treatments for children and young people up to the age of 18.

Family or friends can support you in tough times.

Outreach care

Not everyone contacts us of their own accord. Out of a sense of respect and based on our own social responsibility, we offer care – unsolicited – to people with serious psychiatric disorders who need assistance but who do not ask for or accept treatment, or who pose a risk to themselves as well as to others.

Closely involved persons

Whoever you are and whatever your situation, everyone needs someone. For that reason, Mentrum includes people closely involved with the client in all its treatments.

Family, close friends, neighbours and local organisations can all make an important contribution. But, of course, only in consultation with the client.


All about the registration process.

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More about our treatment.

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