
What we offer

The treatment has various objectives:

  • To help you continue to live independently or to learn to live independently once again.
  • To reduce the symptoms of the illness, to relieve you of problems as far as possible.
  • To help you learn to deal with your illness and the problems it causes in the different aspects of your life.

If possible, you will receive treatment at home by your local FACT team.

Home treatment

If possible, you will receive treatment at home. Treatment can be provided by your local FACT team. Mentrum operates FACT teams in several parts of the city. These teams consist of experts working together.
The team provides you with precisely the care you need at that time: as much as necessary, but as little as possible.

If your situation worsens, in consultation with you and persons closely involved with you, we can provide additional care. As things improve, the level of care will be reduced.

The FACT teams work at several locations across Amsterdam.


You may need to be admitted to a healthcare facility. Because you have suffered a relapse, for example, or because independent living is a step too far, for the time being. Here, too, Mentrum can be of assistance. We operate clinics for short-term and longer-term admissions and clinics for people with psychiatric and addiction problems. We also have special home training centres, where people are taught to care for themselves once again. These facilities are all located in Amsterdam.
You may have previously been admitted on various occasions to different departments or clinics. Or you may have previously made several attempts at independent or sheltered living, but without success. Here, too, we can be of assistance.

Advice and second opinion

We offer advice and second opinions for adult clients with Serious Psychiatric Disorders.

If you are doubtful about such a diagnosis, or if there is a difference of opinion about the care on offer, you can discuss the situation with your attending practitioner. You can then contact us for advice or a second opinion. We will discuss the situation with you either by telephone or in a face-to-face evaluation. We will follow this up with advice on possible treatments.


All about the registration process.

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